We stop the cyberhacking in their tracks...

Kingsfordweg 151 Amsterdam

The Netherlands

+31 (0)20 8203693

Kingsfordweg 151 Amsterdam

The Netherlands

+31 (0)20 8203693

We stop the cyberhacking in their tracks...

BSM investigations

ICT Forensics

ICT Forensics

ICT Forensics is the collection and analysis of digital data from computers, files and other systems. The subject of research can be a digital photo, a digital sound or even an entire hard disk or server. When we make a copy of a hard disk, we always install a write-blocker between the source system and the target system so that we can prove that we have not edited the data.

Combination digital forensics and traditional investigations

In addition to digital forensic investigation, BSM also carries out the more ’traditional’ research activities. This combination makes us unique. After our digital forensic investigators have successfully solved a computer fraud case, we can extend our services by using the traditional confrontation method. Digital forensic investigation, on the other hand, is often part of other criminal investigations such as accounting fraud or the leakage of confidential documents or data.

Our ICT forensic services include:

With ICT forensics we study data down to the deepest level of computer systems, leaving the original data untouched. We bring up deleted files, hidden files and renamed files.
Our ICT forensic services also include:

  • Original copy of hard drive, USB sticks and other data storage devices
  • Findings of someone’s actions on a computer
  • Evidence of digital traces of corporate fraud, such as data leaks

Do you suspect you or your company might be a victim of cybercrime?

We encourage you to contact us as soon at +31(0)20 820 36 93 because it is very important to retain all digital footprints.
All our investigators and staff are screened by the police and apply strict confidentiality. BSM is licensed by the Ministry of Justice under POB number 1104.