Detectivebureau voor de juiste verzameling van feiten

Kingsfordweg 151 Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 8203693

Kingsfordweg 151 Amsterdam


Detectivebureau voor de juiste verzameling van feiten

Categorie: UK


e-mail security tester

I ONLY OPENED AN E-MAIL… E-Mail Security Tester​ E-mail has become a common way to communicate. But unfortunately there are traps hidden in a lot

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contact UK

Contact BSM for Better Security Contact uk – with BSM Better Security Management For more information for contact uk, please contact us at: Phone: +31(0)20-820 36

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Information security

BSM Better Security Management Information security Information security Lost USB stick, data loss, but also frustrated employees, stolen laptops and misdirected mail. Leaks in the

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Corporate Fraud

BSM Better Investigation Corporate Fraud Corporate fraud Investigation  More than 80% of all corporate fraud comes from within the organisation itself. Did you know that

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Sick leave abuse

BSM Private Investigatiosn Amsterdam Sick leave abuse Sick leave abuse Do you suspect an employee is abusing sick leave? Or have you heard rumors that

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private investigation

BSM Private Investigation Amsterdam Private Investigation Private investigation BSM Business Security Management BV conducts (international criminal) private investigation on behalf of governments, businesses and institutions.

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Law on computer crime

BSM better security and Investigation Law on computer crime Law on computer crime In a civil litigation and/or prosecutions relating to a computer crime it

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Data Recovery

BSM Better Security Management Data Recovery Data Recovery With the increasing digitization of businesses new problems arise. For instance, do you know the value of

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web forensics

BSM Better Security Management Web Forensics Web Forensics In simple terms web forensics is searching the internet thoroughly. But it is not as simple as

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